An online support community dedicated to providing a better understanding behind the science of itch and the art of treating and addressing this often debilitating condition.
We’ve all had those nights where time keeps tick-tocking closer to the morning light but sleep is nowhere to be found. Now, imagine in your restlessness that you are super itchy on top of this. Believe it or not, nocturnal itch is a “thing.” Majority of patients with inflammatory skin conditions (such as eczema, and psoriasis) experience […]
Living with sensitive skin can be difficult in today’s world. With the plethora of skin care products available to you, navigating through the ingredient list to discern what causes your irritation can be aggravating. Depending upon the level of your skin’s sensitivity, your reaction to an allergen can be a minor skin rash or a […]
In the previous post on itchy skin, we discussed the data on the prevalence of itch and the lack of satisfactory itch treatments. Here, we take a deeper dive into available itch treatments and their efficacy and safety. Topical Antihistamines There are more than 70 distinct chemicals that are believed to mediate itch symptoms. Histamine is […]
Planning your next camping trip this summer? Check out our list of environmental hazards you should avoid this summer Poison Ivy grows as vines or low shrubs in most climates. Each leaf on a poison ivy plant has three smaller leaflets. Contact with any part of the poison ivy plant can cause red, swollen skin, blisters […]
We’ve all had an itch that we’ve needed to scratch, but many people don’t realize that itchy skin can be a symptom of a number of health conditions, some of which are very serious, like psychogenic itch. Described as an excessive impulse to scratch, gouge, or pick at normal skin, psychogenic itch is related to […]
Brilliantly colored leaves. Diminishing daylight. That first, tiny crocus. There are many markers of a new season…including changes in your itch. Winter is generally the WORST time for itch-prone folks. Colder, drier weather combined with low humidity and the use of central heat often leave us with snake-like skin (think flakey and scaly). This so-called […]
Now that we’ve established that itching is quite common, let’s talk about acute and chronic itch. Acute itch is any type of itch that lasts less than six weeks. It frequently can be the result of environmental factors, such as a bug bite or an allergic reaction. Again, most people at some time have experienced […]
An itch is uncomfortable. It’s disruptive, sometimes painful, and just plain annoying. But the problem is more than skin deep: let’s take a look at the science behind this common skin condition. Did you know that itching is your body’s built-in defense mechanism to a potentially harmful external stimulus? For example, let’s use poison ivy […]
“Every day my patients ask me how they can prevent wrinkles and brown spots. My advice is to first and foremost protect yourself from the sun and UV rays.” –Dr. Gigler