An online support community dedicated to providing a better understanding behind the science of itch and the art of treating and addressing this often debilitating condition.
We have all experienced the urge to scratch, a sensation that is usually very hard to resist. Whether it’s all over your body or confined to a specific body part, itchy skin is an uncomfortable, but common, symptom for a number of health conditions. If you have itchy skin, listen to your body and talk […]
When you see the word “steroid,” what do you think? Steroids are naturally occurring substances that are produced in our bodies to regulate growth and immune function. There are many different kinds of steroids, including corticosteroids. Corticosteroids have several functions – one of which is helping to control the inflammation that may cause itch. There […]
If you are experiencing an itch and have decided it’s time to call in the professionals, there are several things you can do to help prepare yourself for your doctor’s appointment. “There are numerous causes of pruritus, from bug bites to internal disease to other chronic conditions like eczema or psoriasis,” says Vishakha Gigler, M.D. […]
If you have a child with eczema (or atopic dermatitis), then you know how difficult it is to weed through all of the advice and old wives tales on how to stop the relentless itching and painful flare-ups. From bleach baths to taping socks on your child’s hands; family, friends and the Internet offer a […]
Living with sensitive skin can be difficult in today’s world. With the plethora of skin care products available to you, navigating through the ingredient list to discern what causes your irritation can be aggravating. Depending upon the level of your skin’s sensitivity, your reaction to an allergen can be a minor skin rash or a […]
In the previous post on itchy skin, we discussed the data on the prevalence of itch and the lack of satisfactory itch treatments. Here, we take a deeper dive into available itch treatments and their efficacy and safety. Topical Antihistamines There are more than 70 distinct chemicals that are believed to mediate itch symptoms. Histamine is […]
“Every day my patients ask me how they can prevent wrinkles and brown spots. My advice is to first and foremost protect yourself from the sun and UV rays.” –Dr. Gigler